A big Thank you!! and Goodbye!! from Max.
For over 7 years Max and I have been coming to this park.
During that time we’ve met some wonderful people and puppies.
People who petted, gave treats, and even walked with Max.
Pets who got sniffed, licked, and sometimes barked at.
With much sadness and loss, Max passed away on Monday, June 13, 2022 from a health complication and cardiac arrest. His passing occurred in La Mesa, CA at an emergency hospital as attempts at stabilizing him were being attempted.
He will be greatly, achingly missed!
Max eagerly looked forward to his daily walks — sniffing, peeing, and saying hi to people and puppies. It gave me great pleasure to see the happy look on his face every time we came.
Your interaction with him – person and/or puppy – was greatly appreciated!
If you have any pictures of us, or any comments, or just want to reach out, please feel free to send a message
to…….. maxwasagreatone@gmail.com